Upcoming Blog Series: How to Get the Amazon Treatment

Tamazon_logo_RGBhe Amazon HQ2 site selection process will be the subject of a new blog series that StageXchange will be putting out in 2019. We have been working with EDOs this year trying to understand how to make their lives easier and in the process learned a great deal about what goes into creating a winning incentive package. During our listening tour we were able to speak to individuals from offices that bid on the Amazon relocation as well as members of the team that created the winning package.  Following the Amazon HQ2 search in context of how EDOs bid for FDI and domestic dollars led us to several conclusions about how businesses can get that Amazon treatment.

We realize that Amazon is a powerhouse company that any state would want to have within its borders and recognize that there won’t be a huge media spectacle with every search. That does not mean, however, that your company cannot get the Amazon treatment from EDOs. In 2019 we intend to tell you how in a four part blog series titled Chasing Amazon. Chasing Amazonwill consist of four articles:


  • The Run Up
  • Bidding Process
  • Decision Time
  • How to Get the Amazon Treatment

The series will contain excerpts from interviews with some of the parties involved, observations based on how our tool is used by EDOs to promote their region, as well as, knowledge and information shared with us from some of the world’s best-known site selection experts.

The series is intended to help businesses understand how to work with EDOs and site selectors to get the best start for their business in the US.  We believe that any business can get the Amazon treatment if they understand how the system worked for Amazon. Amazon has been revolutionary in so many ways and this is just another “first” from a company who has changed ecommerce forever. The old adage of if you want to be successful emulate successful people applies. If you want the Amazon treatment then this blog series may be for you.

FDI, economic development, Amazon, site selection

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